Monday, July 13, 2009

10:48 on a Monday Night

Tonight's menu:
  • Ketel One
  • Dr. Pepper
  • Funyuns
  • Regret
  • Loneliness
It happens. For the two of you who actually follow this, I'm trying to post more. I'm REAL lazy so we'll see how that actually works out. My last post was in March. Some things have changed since then. I lost my wine job, but found a tea job, I bleached the fuck out of my hair, I got a grown-up driver's license and EVERYONE'S EVERYTHING makes me jealous. But I guess that's not really new. God, I even bore myself. More than three people have told me I'm witty and should have my own show, but even I'm bored with these posts. I try to think of clever things to say, but my head is crowded with hair care tips and the sound of Dora the Explorer screaming "A baby! A BABY!! A BABY!!!" Maybe one day I'll be sober enough to remember I started this blog to update it more frequently. But that's an unrealistic goal. Then again, Charles Bukowski and F. Scott Fitzgerald were both RAGING alcoholics and now they're famous. My life as just as sad as theirs, maybe I'll too become famous after death. Finger crossed!!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. So how's the alcoholism going?I hear thats great for split ends!

    (side note:how weird that it shows i deleted my previous comment...shit can't people make a spelling error without it being announced to the whole world?hahaha)
